Player and Parent Code of Ethics
Please read the following information and regulations and agree to abide by them. By registering you agree to the following:
I/We, the parent(s) of named candidate for a position on a Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse team, hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse activities, including transportation to and from a game, jamboree, or tournament. I/We know that participation in lacrosse may result in an injury. I/We do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse, organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and person transporting my/our children to and from activities for any claim arising out of any injury to my/our children whether the result of negligence or for any other cause, except to the extent and in the amount covered by accident or liability insurance. I/We agree to return upon request the uniform and other equipment issued to my child in as good as a condition as when received. I/We will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above named candidate upon the request of Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse.
I/We give permission to Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse for me or my child to be photographed or videotaped during lacrosse game, practice or activities. I acknowledge that no compensation will be paid by Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse or any third party to my child or me with respect to such use of my or my child’s images. I understand that these photographs or videotapes may be used by Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse for promotional purposes, also without compensation by Comsewogue Youth Lacrosse or any third party. Parents Code of Ethics The Parents and Spectators shall uphold the honor and dignity of the game.
In all contact with players, coaches, officials, and anyone else involved with the leagues shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct. The parents and spectators shall respect and support contest officials and coaches. They shall not indulge in conduct, which would interfere with the players, coaches, officials, or anyone else connected with the contest. There will be zero tolerance for any spectator that yells negatively at a player, coach, or official. Any spectator that takes part in this behavior will be asked to leave the field area. And- if any parent/spectator enters onto a playing field, or in any way interferes with the game, the players, or anyone affiliated with the league, including the officials, that individual, and their related player, will be asked to leave the school grounds and field area. This is not to include an injury situation, unless an abusive or unsportsmanlike behavior initiates or is involved. The coaches will support and assist in the enforcement of this rule.
After contests, all players, parents, and spectators are expected to clean up any and all items brought to the field, including water bottles, sports bottles, etc…Parents, players, and spectators shall respect the condition of the High School track. They must use the indicated paths to enter and cross over the track when going onto the turf or heading toward the bleachers.
COVID ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Registrant acknowledges and agrees that use of school facilities requires strict compliance with all relevant federal, State and local laws, regulations, executive orders, guidance and guidelines with respect to preventing the spread of COVID-19. Registrant acknowledges and agrees that all Attendees will comply with New York’s Sports and Recreation Guidelines (available at, New York’s Interim COVID-19 Guidance for Sports and Recreation (available at and all other applicable federal, State and local laws, regulations, executive orders, guidance and guidelines. Registrant agrees to review and consider the optional safety measures contained in the CDC’s guidelines, “Considerations for Youth Sports” (available at